Streamlining the way to
Industry 4.0 with unified data

Edge device connectivity is a challenge

To make optimal evidence-based decisions and enjoy the full benefits of Industry 4.0, data from all edge devices must be collected and analyzed in a centralized platform. This turns out to be a challenge that consumes too many resources for enterprises.

  • Too many

  • Different OEM
    data formats

  • Lack of

The impact on industry is devastating. Most IoT initiatives never going beyond the proof of concept stage due to the high costs and complexity involved. Today more than ever before, there is an urgent need for device connectivity automation.

Unified data stream for seamless device connectivity

Our Automatic Connectivity Generator (ACG) leverages AI to extract meaningful time series data from any incoming data stream, both previously observed and unobserved, comprising different data formats and communication protocols. The collected data is normalized into a unified format thereby enabling running advanced AI that automates the process efficiently and effectively.

Tagging capabilities

Using Deep Learning, extracted data is automatically organized into a standard unified format suited for any destination, regardless of the original data format and categorized by source.

Measurement types

Automatic recognition of time series data extracted from a variety of devices such as temperature, pressure, flow, level, vibration, ultrasonic, voltage and more.

The freedom to connect
any device to any platform

Our automated, vendor-agnostic solution simplifies and scales the complex device onboarding process.

  • No more manually developed data converters

  • Shorter IoT solutions
    implementation time

  • Lower IoT connectivity implementation costs

the way we solve it

Among our supported platforms